2012년 2월 5일 일요일

Gigglegigglegiggle: TOM

Tom is a Robot baby. Sometimes, I randomly sing in class. It's a little embarrassing, but it makes the kids stop what they're doing to see what Crazy Teacher is up to.  When I sing the "Daisy, Daisy" song that I learned from a parrot on the computer when I was like 12, Tom will literally fall out of his chair laughing. Then I'll look at him and say "giggle giggle giggle?!" and all the other kids will start laughing. I usually am too. These are the fun days.

Tom. This child is super smart. He cracks me up. I laugh so much with him. I have to eat lunch with him because other wise it takes him three hours, and he only gets 35 minutes. I literally have to feed him because he won't stop talking and giggling enough to feed himself. When we're doing something he likes, he says "Katie Teacher, you are good!" When we are doing something he does not like, he says "Katie Teacher! You are bad! I no like!" So that's fun. Today at home time, he was looking down the stairs and the gate was not locked. He started to fall and I grabbed him just in time. PHEW! My heart was pounding! He turned around with a look of shock and said "Teacher! You catched me!" And then I got a giant hug. That was a scary moment. He's been really hung up on Star Wars lately. Literally nonstop ALL WEEK. Seriously. It's cute and it cracks me up. I can't figure out if hes actually seen the movies or if he just knows what the characters look like. He tries to describe how they look and what color their "gun" is. Gun means sword, gun, knife, boxing glove, basically any weapon. Then says "teacher, name is what?" and I guess about who hes talking about. Then he says "good or bad?" and I guess based on the earlier description. then he breaks down into giggles and tells me "teacher! You joking man!"

He just cracks me up. Other news. Jessica moved. That was sad. The last day with these kiddos is the 24th. Then everything changes. Yay? We'll see.

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