2014년 6월 25일 수요일

27 years, 27 days!



Me, I'm 27 now. I have 27 days left in Japan. I'm doing my best to make the most of it, but at the same time, I'm ready to go. I'm stressed out/excited about my up coming Travels with Princess Cheney. I'm stressed out/excited about my week at home on the farm. I'm stressed out/nervous/scared/a little excited about China, Round II. All that combined makes me just want to go and get started. I'm ready.

My friend, Maiko, had a birthday on June 16th, so we celebrated our days together this past weekend. We got bullet train tickets for Sophia and me to go to Hiroshima first. Then we went to Odaiba, a man made island in Tokyo for the Wax Museum. Then we went to the beach and had dinner. It was a great day.

Sophia is coming next week! I'm taking Friday the 4th off and we're going to Hiroshima. I'm really excited about that, and I hope that being there will take some of the sting out of missing the Dalsimers on the farm for the Fourth.

That's really it. That's what's been going on in my life.

Love to all and see you soon!

Hanging out with some Royalty.

Sit-ups with Beckham.

We talked about Indiana.

Practiced being the Mona Lisa. I smiled though.

Had breakfast with Tiffany.

Did a little shooting with Bruce.

Motorcycles with Tom.

Karate with Bruce.

Drinks with Julia.

Ran into Jackie in the gift shop.

Walked the red carpet with Johnny.

Talked to Obama about Dinos.

More sit ups with Beckham.

Chatting with Einstein.

Showed Steve my ipad.

Shakespeare with...Shakespeare.

Ended the day with a comedian.

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