2011년 10월 30일 일요일

Happy Halloween!

Monday is Halloween. That means that Tuesday is November. That means that my scheduled departure date in 4 months away. Psych! I've been asked to stay until May. I probably will. I have a meeting with my boss tomorrow to discuss it. We had our Halloween party on Friday. It was pretty fun. The kids were pretty cute. Pictures to follow. We had staff beers after work. That was fun. The Korean ladies are hilarious with a little beer in them. Saturday I played screen golf with some giant boys. I did not win. Unless high score wins, in which case I destroyed them. Three things that I hate about Korea are 1. No Reeses Cups. 2. No tampons. 3. Squat toilets. That's all. I hope you're doing well. Since I'm probably staying until May, you have that much more time to plan your visit to see me!!
Strike that. I seem to have lost the pictures. Lame. But I promise, they were all super cute. I was wearing a gold cape. That was fun for me.

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