2011년 8월 30일 화요일

Dear Jess, Welcome to Art Day

There is one day left of the eighth month of the year two thousand and eleven. It's blowing my mind. We have a field trip tomorrow to a grape farm. I'm sure it will be super fun.

Last weekend was pretty fun. Nothing out of the ordinary, just continuing enjoying the summer weather post humidity and typhoon season and exploring new bars and restaurants. Lots of good conversations with great friends.

Jessica Sender asked me to update my blog more. I informed her that I would try. So, in honor of that awesome gchat, here are two videos I took of Robot Class on Art day. Art day is Tuesday, right before lunch. We alternate weeks of drawing or crafts. Last week, the week in the video, we worked on patterns. Today, not shown in the videos, we made shapes with straws. God awful project for 6 year olds. In the movies, see if you can spot My Main Man Mark from the previous post.

Once again, enjoy my life in the nut house.

댓글 1개:

  1. Holy moly! I almost didn't even recognize Kate or Tom! They're huge now! Oh man, I miss that. You are doing an awesome job with them Robots, Katie Teacher!! I love youuuu.
