2010년 2월 6일 토요일

What day is it?

Today is Saturday. We had work and had to do the Tuesday schedule. I'm so confused. I didn't have the heart to really be productive and I'm not really behind in anything, so I played a lot of games and did a lot of coloring.

Some unexpected situations can work out really well right? I hope so.

I'm so excited about the Superbowl and the Olympics and Regionals!! (Good luck Little Man!!)

The argument I had with the kinders today was that punching people in the eye is unacceptable, even if they said you couldn't borrow their brown pencil.

I know this is going to have a huge effect on none of you, but hold on to mail this month. Something funny is going on. I'll let you know asap when you can resume sending me stuff!!


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