So I actually have no interesting reason for updating the blog other than to keep you interested!
Don't forget to shoot me an email occasionally to keep me in the loop!!

I swiped this picture from Ashley Teacher. This is Nancy. She's like 5 or six. She's in Titan, which is the class I have the hour after lunch everyday. She's so cute and smart. Sometimes she puts her intelligence to good and sometimes to evil. Although, today she was real wound up and wanted to swing her hair around. So I helped her remove all the doodads in it and she was going crazy. To regain control of the room, I showed them what my hair looked like down. Nancy told me it was very pretty. I appreciated that.
I just remembered another story from today to share. Bryan from Apollo is a cutie, but a trouble maker. Our first fight this morning went like this.
B: Teacher, too hot.
K: BRYAN!! Put your pants on!
K: Bryan, sit still and you'll feel better. Put your pants back on please.
K: Go out in the hall!
B: No. Pants on. Shirt take off!
Unreal! Hahaha but pretty funny.
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