This is still me and the same mountains. It was pretty. And cool.
This is a picture of me on a street in Busan, the second largest city in South Korea.
And finally, this is Marco, Me, and David at the Underground back in Suji. Turns out Marco hates pictures of himself, so he only sent me pictures of me. Luckily, I love pictures of myself.
Ok, so the shocking news!
At 6:30 Friday February 5th, our director called us in for a staff meeting. She informed us that Brighton is closing at the end of the month due to enrollment being down and she was also offered a better position at another school. She also reminded us that we had to work Saturday. I was in shock. Ian's contract is up at the end of the month, so he was already planning on returning to Canada. Jason, Ashley and I were not ready to go home. So we all set out to get new jobs.
After a stressful week of interviews and panic attacks, we have all signed new contracts. Jason and I are going to be working at the same school in Jukjeon, which is about a 25 minute walk from my apartment. The new school is in its own five story building and the woman owns the building and the school itself. There will be three foreign teachers, Jason, a dude from Australia, and myself. I will be in Robot Classroom working with 7 year olds. Don't forget that a 7 year old is anywhere from 4-6 in real life.
So our last day at Brighton is this Friday. I'm moving Saturday. Monday is a national holiday. And I start my new school Tuesday. But I believe that the kids will not be there Tuesday, it'll be more of a training day. I think. I'll keep you posted, don't worry.
We had to work this Saturday (yesterday) and during lunch, Jason and I went to the new school and were introduced to the parents.
What does all this mean? One thing is that I'm now under contract until March 2011, two months longer than expected. It also means a pay raise. It also means that I'm now going to have a back up plan and make sure that I always have $1000 dollars in my possession so that if shit goes down again, I will be able to get myself home. I think that was the worst feeling, having no job and no money to get myself home. It also means that I will have a new address for you to send things to me at. I'm not sure what it is yet, but I'll keep you posted, don't worry.
It's so nice outside. The sun's out and its like 45 degrees. BEAUTIFUL. I'm contemplating going for a run. Contemplating.
I apologize for not telling you about the job stuff sooner (mom), but I was hanging on by a thread and was by no means capable of rationalizing anything to anyone. I had to decide if I wanted to stay and what I was going to do. But I'm staying. Unless I get kicked out of the country for Visa stuff, but that probably won't happen.
I have 2 Korean classes left that I've already paid for. I have to decide if I want to continue taking them in March. I think I'm going to wait and see what my schedule is like and how things go. But I'm still learning a lot. And I like it.
Enjoy your week!!
P.S. I have received some emails asking me how to post comments on here. I have no idea. Just keep emailing me. Also email me with news! PLEASE!!! I'm so out of touch with reality.
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