This year's attempt at the Cherry Blossom Festival was much more successful. We found it. Saturday morning, Sophia and I woke up at school time and ventured up to Seoul to see some cherry blossoms. It was a B-E-A-Utiful day! There were tons of blossoms. We were there for about 20 minutes. It was cool, but it was also trees with flowers. Then we journeyed home, via a stop at Coex, a giant underground shopping area, in search of Mexican food. Coex is also where the G20 summit was, therefore where Obama was when that was all happening in the fall. We returned and met up with the boys for some football and soccer in the park. We then went to a roof and grilled out and did the usual Suji night activities. A pretty fun weekend.
Last week was rough. I was in a sad mood. I missed home and didn't want to be a responsible adult. I'm better now. Sophia really helped keep me afloat. That was nice of her.
I also spilled some water on my keyboard. It seems to be ok, although the b key doesn't work that well. I'm planning on buying a Mac pretty soon.
Cheney is 20 today! Happy Birthday Princess!!
I love you all and I miss you! Happy Spring!
Thanks for reading. Tune in again for Robot Class rundown-coming soon to a compy near you!
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