I know you were eagerly awaiting information about Robot Class. However, I have made the executive desicion to do Puppy Class today. First, because there are only 6 of them. Second, because they don't make me as crazy. Third, because I have their birthdays written down and I keep forgetting to get Robot's.
Puppy Class is Korean age 5. There are six of them. I see them twice a day, five days a week. Let's meet them!

Thomas. Date of birth- April 2007. Jini's twin brother. Doesn't speak so much as grunt. Everyday I say Thomas, How are you today? And everyday he says "I am a wonderful red engine power ranger." He behaves well and loves high fives.

Jini. DOB-April, 2007. Thomas' twin sister. She also does not speak, she doesn't grunt either. When she needs to use the bathroom, she waits til the last possible second, gets a panicked look on her face, stands up and yells "TEACHER! BATHROOM!" then its a race-can Katie get her there in time? Or will Katie be cleaning up pee? She really likes hugs.

Tei. DOB-July, 2007. The boss' nephew. Very smart. He also has a whole lot of attitude for such a little body. I call him TeiMan, and he thinks thats hilarious. He also frequently gets in screaming matches with Julie and James. Usually over whose turn it is to use the princess pencil.

Julie. DOB- December, 2007. If you remember Cindy from King class last year, this is her little sister. Julie barks at me regularly. She is not allowed to sit next to Tei. She finds it hilarious to speak to me in Korean.

James. DOB- May, 2007. Has a great smile and a fantastic laugh. He's very smart, refuses to use a color pencil thats not red. He is also not allowed to sit near Tei. When he shows me things, he hold them in front of his face and closes his other eye. I call him JamesMan. And then he calls me TeacherMan.

Elly- DOB- May, 2007. I know Elly better by her Korean name, Mina, from last year when she was in day care. She cannot say "S" so when I say How are you Elly? She says I am a tad princess. That means sad. She loves songs and dances and has the biggest cheeks I've ever seen.
So that is Puppy Class in a nut shell. They are all well behaved, they sit properly, they can't hold pencils, and they make a day filled with Robots better.
In other news, tomorrow is May. We found a ping-pong room and I've played ping pong a few times. It's ten bucks for an hour. I've been to a few soccer games.
Somedays the weather is awesome and some days its rainy. It's currently rainy, dark, and I think it's humid. At 3 on Saturday.
Happy spring. I hope everyone is staying safe from the tornadoes and gas prices. I love you. I miss you. I think about you often.
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