*Cindy-"Teacher, take your head down"
Me-"Take my hair down?" C-"No. You head down."
M-"I don't understand"
C-"You head, take off. Me hit. BOOM! Candy come out"
M-" I'm not a pinata! You're crazy!"
C-"Hee hee. Candy delicious! Katie Teacher is crazy!
(Cindy is 7 and in King class.)
I give him a hug. He clamps on to my neck. I stand up, he hangs.
M-Monkey Child!
S-"Hahaha MOUTH!"
Sunny starts kissing me.M-"No kissing!"S- "hahahahahahaha"(Sunny is 5 and in Puppy class.)
This Wednesday we had an all day field trip with the Kinders. We went to Summer Camp. An establishment of sorts that apparently hosts hagwans (Private English Schools) for summer camp. We got there and there were helpers which worked out nicely. They took us to the bottom of a hill and the kids ran around playing with bubbles for a while. Then they colored some badges. Then we went to lunch. Next we went swimming. There were two pools. One had about a foot of water in it. This was where the younger kids played. The other pool had about two feet of water. This is where Katie Teacher played with the older kids. It was really fun, but exhausting. I think we were in for about 45 minutes. Luckily Sophia, Jason, and I brought towels, because noone else did. My towel was soaked by the time I got out of the pool, which was nice. After the pool, we went back to the hill and ran up it and then the teachers pushed the kids down it on inner tubes. After each kid went twice, the teachers got to go. It was really really fun. Then the kids played on an inflatable water slide and then we changed them, gave them snacks and came home. We got back to school at 5ish, so it was an entire day. Very very fun, very very exhausting. The poor kids konked out on the bus and could not wake up when we got home. So cute. So tired. Then we had a staff dinner and we went to a soup place and ate chicken soup. Chicken soup is a summer food that you eat after a day in the water for good health. It was delicious.
Alex 2 is not going to be at school for a month because a T.V. fell on his foot and he's broken. Poor little guy. I feel bad for him.
Next weekend we are going to mudfest. My understanding is that a bunch of white people go and play in the mud and consume large quantities of Mcju and Soju. (alcohol) Google mudfest. I think its a big deal. I'm sure I'll tell you all about it.
I'm reading the Tarzan books on my Kindle. There are eight of them. I'm enjoying them, although I have been having weird dreams about gorillas that are my friends, like there is a Kyle Gorilla and a Jess Gorilla. Strange. Anyway, these books, pretty good, although extremely racist. Extremely.
It sounds like the party at the farm was pretty fun.
Have a great July!! It's going FAST. Real fast.

Kisses and misses to you all!
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