I haven't been home for 6months. I haven't been in an English speaking country for 6 months. Pretty crazy. 8 to go. I'm 90 percent sure that I'm done after this year. Which means I'll be home in March, sans travel plans that are being discussed. It's a great deal here and I'm glad I'm doing it, but a year is enough. I have no idea what's next but I'm pretty sure that this is it for me. I went to the beach for my birthday. Same beach that we went to before. It was the same amount of fun. Played volleyball and shell hole. I dug a hole and buried a friend. We are in the process of solidifying our summer break plans. We thought we had it, but then our break dates changed and we have to deal with the airlines and hotels and stuff. But the plan is to spend three days in Jeju-do, which is an island off the southern point of Korea. Should be pretty and I think there's a lot to do there. Then we're going to spend 3 days in Busan, a town at the southern point of the country. There's beaches and a big city, but also other cool stuff to do. It will be a nice change of pace. I'm pretty excited about it. I haven't really done any cool Korean stuff to share with you. We had a field trip a couple weeks ago. We went to a "Playing with balls Museum". Literally called that. It was full of those marble machines and a room full of yoga balls that the kids bounced around on. It was pretty fun.

This is me carrying Chris, from King Class, out of the ball room. Chris is a huge baby and when he gets upset, he curls into the fetal position and cries and whimpers. In cases of being in a room full of balls and crazy children, this is not the most effective defensive method. Katie Teacher to the rescue.

This is just a shot of the ball room. And King class and Robot class. They are 7 years old. Too much fun.

This is Erin from King class and me. She's adorable. Too cute for words.

This is Me, SaraBrown, Etaoin, and Sophia at the Underground on my birthday. Sophia is our new coteacher. She is doing a good job.
That's pretty much it in the life of Katie in Korea in June. I started running twice a week. That's pretty terrible. But it goes better than I was expecting. I went to work one day with my eye swollen shut. I think it was a mosquito bite. Turns out there are giant mosquitoes in my apartment and they eat me alive when I'm sleeping. pretty mean.
I'm missing the Dalsimer family get together at the Dale farm this week/next week. I'm pretty sad about it. Have a great time and happy 60th anniversary Grandmom and Granddad!!
I love you all. I miss you. Tell me about your summers!!!
oh my god you holding a child is absolutely priceless. and a little shocking, but i love it :) aand when you get back i think we should open up a Playing with Balls Museum... think of the possibilities.
답글삭제xo Rocky