This has been a pretty fun month. I went camping on the beach. I've discovered some new places in the surrounding area-bars, restaurants, parks. The weather is finally nice. Typhoon season seems to be over and the humidity has been doable for the past 4 days. My hot water seems to be fixed and my laundry room is no longer flooding. I got a new phone-one that works! It's also a smart phone and its way smarter than me, which makes me uncomfortable. BUT-It works. Yay. I've been hanging out with SaraClark a lot-in my journey to find a female that I enjoy spending time with since the hole in my heart that is Sophia leaving. SaraClark was in Suji last year when I got here. I knew who she was, but we never really hung out. She's back and lives close to me, so we've been hanging out. She's fun. School started at home. Little Man is a senior. That's nuts.
Today, I am going to tell you stories about one of my Robot babies. Mark. Mark is a character and a half and he makes me laugh and he makes me crazy. He has a great sense of humor and loves to fight monsters.
He has never remained in a seated position for more than 2 minutes. Seriously. He spends a majority of his time doing cartwheels and "fighting monsters". As a result, he is usually super sweaty and "too tired to do workbooks". Mark loves rice more than he loves fighting monsters. However, he feeds himself with 2 hands which results in rice all over his clothes, his hands, his hair, the desk, the chair, the floor, the wall. Yes. The wall. One day, I said "Markman, why is there rice on the wall?" He looked at the rice for a second, looked at me, shrugged, and said "Maybe the wall is hungry teacher." He also spills his milk at snack time a lot and says "TEACHER! I am MESSY MARKMAN!" I agree with him. One day, Mark was walking around sideways. I asked him how he was doing. He replied by clicking his hands together and saying "Teacher, I am a crab!" Mark also plays a game with himself where he holds his hands in front of him and says ____________power! For example, one day, Peter Teacher got him all wound up and said "Mark! I see monsters!" And Mark replied with "FIRE POWER!" At which point Peter said "ICE POWER!" Mark thought for a minute and shot back with "POWERPOWER!" quickly backed up with "DEAD POWER!" We also hear "DOUBLE-DECKER BUS POWER!" "CRY POWER!" and "SLEEPY POWER!". You get the drift? When we do writing activities, I will write three sentences on the board for them to copy and then draw a picture of. When we talked about the beach, I wrote: I like to go to the beach. We play in the ocean and the sand. I go with my family. Robot class wrote that and drew corresponding pictures. Mark wrote- Me is six Moms. Mom is me toy. Me is three dads. Dads is me new toy. Me is five. I like my toys. Accompanied by a picture of a power ranger pig. When asked about it, he responded with a simple "Teacher, I don't like the beach, it's dirty.
I guess you can't argue with that.
HHAHAHA. Oh man, Markman. Love that kid. I was laughing too hard. Amazeballs post, KADALE, AMAZEBALLS.