I know you've been eagerly awaiting this run down of my chaotic babies...so, with out further ado, I give you Robot class.

Tom. Super smart. An excellent reader and speaker. He loves to hit his teachers and karate chop his classmates. He is also one of the slowest eaters I have ever seen.

Sally. She has a great attitude. She also loves screaming, dancing, and laughing. Sally does not try to sound out new words so much as look at them, look at me and say "Teacher, what?!"

Mark. I don't know what to say about this child. He has never sat in a chair for longer than 2 minutes. Tops. He is extremely smart, but does not sit, does not complete his workbook work, and he says odd stuff. Stuff like "Teacher, me no like workbooks. It's not funny." "Teacher, me good job?" This face? This face is the result of "Hey Mark, Smile!" He also loves to dance, shakes his butt in the air, and rolls around on the floor.

Kate. A really good reader. She doesn't really speak that much, and she just stares at her teachers when she needs something. She loves to laugh and she has a great attitude. She lives in Kate world. 100 percent.

Jessica. Loves school. Hates sitting down, reading, writing, speaking, listening, and generally paying attention to anything that I say or do. Jessica gets tired of feeding herself somedays. So she looks at me and says "teacher, help me."She laughs and laughs and screams, and dances, and takes years to eat her lunch.

Jenny. An excellent reader. She refuses to speak to me when I have a question, but loves to mimic me and ask silly questions. She talks and talks and talks and talks when I'm trying to teach. She also has a great laugh. She is another slow eater. Super slow. And adorable.

Eric. This little mad usually just says "teacher, I don't know." and then continues to draw on the desk. He loves to play power ranger. Some days, he's really good at reading. Some days, he's not. He generally stays in his seat,although he's rarely quiet.

Daniel. This child has a temper! He also loves to answer questions and scream as loud as he can. He rarely stays in his seat for longer than 3 minutes. Daniel either loves me or hates me, and it usually changes about every 15 minutes.

Amy. The boss of the class. Completely ignores anything that any teacher has to say to her. She has a great speaking and reading level. She loves school and as far as she's concerned, she's the teacher. Her new favorite move is to hold out her hand and say "teacher, wait. Wait." I really like that...not.
I love these kids. They are a handful. They have improved a lot as far as class time behavior goes, but break time and lunch time ruin my life. I have included three videos that I took at lunch time today. They are about a minute long each. It's going to blow your mind. This is my life at lunch time. Everyday. But, they are adorable and I really do love them. All. They just make me so tired and crazy.
I'm honestly surprised I can't hear you guys during lunchtime.
답글삭제Also, the Kate grab cracks me up. She's like a T-Rex with tiny arms!!