Me. Rex. Alex 1. Circle time. Loving Rexy's outfit.
One week left of October.
Sophia's birthday weekend was fun.
There was a huge party at Underground to celebrate their one year anniversary.
I constantly have wee-sing kindergarten Halloween songs stuck in my head.
Sophia and I picked up a new class of 7 year old girls on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. There are three of them. They are very good at English and are capable of critical thinking and holding real conversations, so it makes class fly by.
Jason, Carly, and I are going to Thailand for winter break! We found cheap tickets and leave on Christmas day. Before we could make travel arrangements, we had to double check our vacation dates. Jason talked our boss into an entire week! Originally break was December 28th-January 4th, which would have been Wednesday-Tuesday again. But now we have a full week! With two weekends! Very exciting. Thailand!
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