Here are a few more things that the kids have said/done that I would like to share/remember.
Today, in my 6 year old Elephant class, Julie ripped a button off her shirt and she didn't want to give it to me, so I told her to put it in her pocket and then I forgot about it. Then 35 seconds later, I hear TEACHER!! ffff ffff, and I look and shes desperately trying to blow the button out of her nose. She had to go to the hospital to get it removed. That was pretty awesome.
When Rex, from Robot sings the alphabet, it goes a little something like this. A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-and Z, now I know my ABC J-K-L-O-P!
Mudfest was this weekend. I was not sure about going because it pour all day Friday and was forecasted to do the same all weekend, but SaraBrown came here Friday night and cooked me dinner and convinced me to go. I'm very glad I went. It was very much fun. We took a two hour train to Daecheon on Saturday morning and went and dropped stuff off at the hotel and then hit the mud. There were 8 of us. It was rainy and not hot so much, but not too bad. We got some supplies (liters of beer) and went off. It was not what I was expecting at all. Here, ,you can see what this is technically all about. Here, I'll share my insights. They converted a large parking lot area to mudfest but bringing in huge inflatable pools and slides and filling them with mud. These had long lines. Not my scene. So we wandered around a little, getting random handprints on us and just watching and judging people. Then we happened upon a mud sculpting contest that had been converted into a giant mudfight. Here, we got covered head to toe in mud. It was entertaining until people started throwing gobs of mud really hard and after getting hit in the face a few too many times, I was over that scene. As it turned out, I also had to pee. So I talked SaraBrown into an ocean run. Big mistake. The ocean was amazing and we spent about 5 hours in there. Completely forgot about the mud, eating, and the fact that I was in charge of the bag containing everyone's money, phones, and cameras. Luckily, I made the executive decision to drop it all off in a locker, and not take it in the ocean. It was so fun. The waves were great. We talked to new people, we found a wallet which we gave to a Korean wearing a whistle. Still assuming he was a lifeguard. We eventually met back up in the hotel, showered, changed, and went to dinner. Then we wandered around the board walk for a while and called it a night. We had two hotel rooms. They had a tv, fridge, AC, little kitchen, bathroom, and weird. No beds. But they did have blankets and pillows. The rooms more than comfortably fit four people. We woke up Sunday to a beautiful day! So SaraBrown and I packed up and told the hungover crew that we were doing the beach and would meet up in time to catch a taxi to the station. We hung out on the beach for a few hours and of course got burnt. Then we came home. All in all a great weekend. I'm very glad I went and I am planning on going back to that beach in August. The waves were excellent. I did not even take my camera on this trip. I felt like it would not be a responsible decision. I'm pretty sad that I don't have any pictures, but I at least have my camera.
Just trying to keep on trucking for 7 more work days. We leave for Jeju-do next Wednesday night after work and I'm very excited.
It's fair week now! I cannot believe that it's so late in July. I'm not sure how that happened, but it did. When I get back from vacation, I will have been here for 7 months. 7 more to go! Oh heyoo! Halfway!
2010년 7월 19일 월요일
2010년 7월 10일 토요일
Memorable Moments
Some things that the kids have said lately that I want to share/remember.
*Cindy-"Teacher, take your head down"
Me-"Take my hair down?" C-"No. You head down."
M-"I don't understand"
C-"You head, take off. Me hit. BOOM! Candy come out"
M-" I'm not a pinata! You're crazy!"
C-"Hee hee. Candy delicious! Katie Teacher is crazy!
(Cindy is 7 and in King class.)
I give him a hug. He clamps on to my neck. I stand up, he hangs.
M-Monkey Child!
S-"Hahaha MOUTH!"
Sunny starts kissing me.M-"No kissing!"S- "hahahahahahaha"(Sunny is 5 and in Puppy class.)
This Wednesday we had an all day field trip with the Kinders. We went to Summer Camp. An establishment of sorts that apparently hosts hagwans (Private English Schools) for summer camp. We got there and there were helpers which worked out nicely. They took us to the bottom of a hill and the kids ran around playing with bubbles for a while. Then they colored some badges. Then we went to lunch. Next we went swimming. There were two pools. One had about a foot of water in it. This was where the younger kids played. The other pool had about two feet of water. This is where Katie Teacher played with the older kids. It was really fun, but exhausting. I think we were in for about 45 minutes. Luckily Sophia, Jason, and I brought towels, because noone else did. My towel was soaked by the time I got out of the pool, which was nice. After the pool, we went back to the hill and ran up it and then the teachers pushed the kids down it on inner tubes. After each kid went twice, the teachers got to go. It was really really fun. Then the kids played on an inflatable water slide and then we changed them, gave them snacks and came home. We got back to school at 5ish, so it was an entire day. Very very fun, very very exhausting. The poor kids konked out on the bus and could not wake up when we got home. So cute. So tired. Then we had a staff dinner and we went to a soup place and ate chicken soup. Chicken soup is a summer food that you eat after a day in the water for good health. It was delicious.
The hill.
Alex 2 is not going to be at school for a month because a T.V. fell on his foot and he's broken. Poor little guy. I feel bad for him.
Next weekend we are going to mudfest. My understanding is that a bunch of white people go and play in the mud and consume large quantities of Mcju and Soju. (alcohol) Google mudfest. I think its a big deal. I'm sure I'll tell you all about it.
I'm reading the Tarzan books on my Kindle. There are eight of them. I'm enjoying them, although I have been having weird dreams about gorillas that are my friends, like there is a Kyle Gorilla and a Jess Gorilla. Strange. Anyway, these books, pretty good, although extremely racist. Extremely.
It sounds like the party at the farm was pretty fun.
Have a great July!! It's going FAST. Real fast.
Me and Jason walking to work.
Kisses and misses to you all!
*Cindy-"Teacher, take your head down"
Me-"Take my hair down?" C-"No. You head down."
M-"I don't understand"
C-"You head, take off. Me hit. BOOM! Candy come out"
M-" I'm not a pinata! You're crazy!"
C-"Hee hee. Candy delicious! Katie Teacher is crazy!
(Cindy is 7 and in King class.)
I give him a hug. He clamps on to my neck. I stand up, he hangs.
M-Monkey Child!
S-"Hahaha MOUTH!"
Sunny starts kissing me.M-"No kissing!"S- "hahahahahahaha"(Sunny is 5 and in Puppy class.)
This Wednesday we had an all day field trip with the Kinders. We went to Summer Camp. An establishment of sorts that apparently hosts hagwans (Private English Schools) for summer camp. We got there and there were helpers which worked out nicely. They took us to the bottom of a hill and the kids ran around playing with bubbles for a while. Then they colored some badges. Then we went to lunch. Next we went swimming. There were two pools. One had about a foot of water in it. This was where the younger kids played. The other pool had about two feet of water. This is where Katie Teacher played with the older kids. It was really fun, but exhausting. I think we were in for about 45 minutes. Luckily Sophia, Jason, and I brought towels, because noone else did. My towel was soaked by the time I got out of the pool, which was nice. After the pool, we went back to the hill and ran up it and then the teachers pushed the kids down it on inner tubes. After each kid went twice, the teachers got to go. It was really really fun. Then the kids played on an inflatable water slide and then we changed them, gave them snacks and came home. We got back to school at 5ish, so it was an entire day. Very very fun, very very exhausting. The poor kids konked out on the bus and could not wake up when we got home. So cute. So tired. Then we had a staff dinner and we went to a soup place and ate chicken soup. Chicken soup is a summer food that you eat after a day in the water for good health. It was delicious.
Alex 2 is not going to be at school for a month because a T.V. fell on his foot and he's broken. Poor little guy. I feel bad for him.
Next weekend we are going to mudfest. My understanding is that a bunch of white people go and play in the mud and consume large quantities of Mcju and Soju. (alcohol) Google mudfest. I think its a big deal. I'm sure I'll tell you all about it.
I'm reading the Tarzan books on my Kindle. There are eight of them. I'm enjoying them, although I have been having weird dreams about gorillas that are my friends, like there is a Kyle Gorilla and a Jess Gorilla. Strange. Anyway, these books, pretty good, although extremely racist. Extremely.
It sounds like the party at the farm was pretty fun.
Have a great July!! It's going FAST. Real fast.

Kisses and misses to you all!
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