Robot Classroom. My Homeroom. I'm still in the process of decorating it.
Teacher's desk in Robot Classroom.
This is Etaoin from Ireland, Aria from Korea and Katie from Indiana. At the Underground. Aria's sister goes to OSU and Aria is moving to Ohio in April. Small world. I actually met her sister and she has heard of Wooster!

This is Scarlet from Elephant Class. She is a pistol.
This is Shelly and Clara from my homeroom, Robot Classroom. This is a rare moment where they are both smiling/laughing.
The McDonald's Delivery bikes that I was talking about in that post that was bullet points. One or two back I believe.
I realize this is a bad picture of me, but I wanted to show you perspective of the size of the toilets at school. They are tiny. It's just funny.
Juli from Puppy Class. 50% sweet heart. 50% terror.

Joseph from Zebra Class. INSANE.

Jason from Zebra. His mother is the owner/director/principal of the school. He's a cutie. His older brother, Justin looks just like him-except older.

Fred. He's an elementary student who comes to our school for the after-school program.
Erin, Anastacia and Clare from King class. This is during playtime after lunch and before circle time. Play time is about 20 minutes where they either play with the food, the squirt guns, or just run in circles screaming.

Dora from Elephant. So sweet and so smart.
Daniel and Amy from Puppy. These kids are Korean Age 5. So anywhere from 3-4 years old. Class time consists of them running around, screaming, laughing, and just generally ignoring me and all attempts are education.
Alex 1, Kevin and Rex from my homeroom, Robot. Alex 1 is the smartest kid in the class and a total teacher's pet. Kevin says "teacher, Kevin more" "Kevin turn" "Kevin pencil" instead of me, my, I. A little cute, but mostly frustrating. Then there's Rex. This kid comes in in the morning, screaming as loud as he can. He then runs into me, rams his head into me and punches me. He then runs a few laps, comes back, gives me a huge hug and kiss and sits still for about 45 seconds. Repeat. All day.
Fourth floor work area.
Fourth floor play area.
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