Today we had a surprise field trip! I say surprise because it was supposed to be on Thursday. I guess Monday is fine. We took the kinders to a Traditional Korean Education place. My understanding is that it is where you go to learn about Korea culture, and it is not just a traditional school, as in the opposite of the private english situation I work at. But, that's just what I think. I'm not positive. Anyway, we got there with all 42 Kinder's and they had to take their shoes off in the door way, and excuse the language, but lets just talk about what a clusterfuck that was. Times two on the way out. And you're not supposed to step on the door jams. So we finally got everyone inside and fairly quiet into this giant room with no furniture. Then two old Korean ladies came out and started yelling at the kids. It was the first time I've heard them be so silent. They were terrified. It was kind of nice. We split the kids into two groups and half of us went and I think we learned about how to pour tea and be respectful and eat traditional stuff. This is all just a guess. But we did get some tea and some sort of bean paste cookie thing. Then we switched and learned about the various bows and signs of respect. (I think). It was very interesting, but if I think about the situation as a whole, it's weird. We drove out into a old part of some small city, got out in an alley, walked into a giant room with no furniture and 2 old ladies and listen to the kids be scared silent. Very interesting.
We came back to school for lunch and the day finished up as normal. I have decided to learn how to read Korean. I've been told that its pretty east to learn the characters. As far as I understand it, the tricky part is then figuring out what those characters mean in English. But it should make some things easier. I hope.
Typing up this post, I realized that I said "as far as I understand it" a lot. Which then makes me realize that most of what is going on here is pretty far over my head and I'm basically just going with the flow. Suits me just fine. Shoot me an email if anything cool is happening with you! I feel very out of the loop over here.

This is my apartment, from the outside. See those curved windows on the left side of the picture? Im in the second one. Well actually, thats the room my washing machine is in.
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