I don't know what Boxing Day means. Merry Christmas! I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend! I'm pretty pumped for 2011, I don't know about you, but I'm not that sad to be moving on from December. This month sort of kicked my ass. I've been an expat for 51 weeks. Next Sunday will officially be my one year mark. Yay. 14 months to go. Yay.
Let's see. This past week we had a birthday party and 2 Christmas parties, sort of. On Thursday after school the teachers dressed up in Santa suits and went to four housing places. We sang and danced and Santa gave all the kiddos presents. They loved it. We were cold. Then on Friday, we did Christmas type activities including a newspaper "snowball" fight and crafts. Then we ate lunch early and had the "Christmas Party" which entailed trying to keep everyone in their seats and eating a lot of junk food. With our elementary kids, we watched movies and ate pizza. Pretty fun.
For Christmas Eve, I went to Ian's and made him watch White Christmas. We skyped our families and went to dinner and to a bar for a bit. Christmas morning, we did some more skyping then went to see Harry Potter with some orphans. After the movie we went back to the orphanage and had dinner. I wish I could give you more details about that whole situation, but I can't really. I don't really know how I got into it and don't really know what to say about it. I do feel pretty good about it I guess. It was strange.
This week, I am NOT in Thailand. I don't know what I'm going to do. I need a haircut and I need to go to the post office. That's all I have.
Other big school news is that Rex will no longer be attending our hagwon. (English kindergarten) His mom has some issues with some teachers at school and just decided that Rex was finished. I'm pretty sad about that.
Still working on getting a new teacher here as soon as possible. That's been fun. I'm the go between for my boss and the new guy. I feel like it's sort of counter productive considering that 1. I barely have my shit together and 2. I came to Korea as a result of the following Google search : Jobs in Korea. So hopefully it will all work out. I'm frustrated with it all though and am just ready for 2011. Yay.
I always wonder about breaks. It seems like every year that I can easily recall, especially college and now working at a school, that the week leading up to break is always terrible and break gets here just in time to keep me from going off the deep end. My question is, if break wasn't coming, would things be as terrible? If they were, how would I recover? Do they just get bad because you know its almost over? Does that make sense at all?
Enjoy the holidays! 5 days of 2010 left to go! Woah. Skype me. kadale09. Email me. Facebook me. I love you! I miss you!
2010년 12월 26일 일요일
2010년 12월 12일 일요일
The Boy with the Golden Fingernails
안녕하세요!! (That says hello...an-yang-ha-say-yo)
By now you have seen my amazing video and may be thinking to yourself, "Katie, what the F!?" Let me explain. To be fair this has the potential to be a long and mixed up post. I'm currently dealing with more emotions than I am used to dealing with and it's messing with the reasoning portion of my brain I think.So as you may recall, Jason, my close friend and co-worker, returned to America for his best friend's wedding and a week with family. He left on Friday afternoon. On Monday night, he called me on Skype and asked me to call his girlfriend, Carly, and have her get on Skype because he missed her. I did and it did not connect. My phone only works about 50% of the time, so I told him he'd after to get someone else to do it. Ten minutes later he called me back yelling "did you know?!" I said "know what?" Turns out Carly had a panic attack about the tensions on the peninsula and made a mid-night run back to Canada on Sunday night. Midnight runs are when the foreign teachers leave the country with no notice, breaking their contracts and essentially black-listing themselves from the country. So Carly is gone. One Thailand-trip partner gone.
During the week Jason started to freak out about returning. The US media and his family's fears were getting to him and he didn't know what to do. Remember, Jason, Carly, and I were going to Thailand together for Christmas and Jason and I were re-signing our contracts for another year. The day before he was supposed to get on the plane to come back to Korea, he flipped out and we talked for a while. I was attempting to be rational and convince him to come back to Korea and at least finish his current contract, which is up in March. He went to bed with the promise to contact me asap with his choice. At this point I was a wreck. This call woke me up on Saturday and my day was shot. So I called Ian and told him he needed to make me laugh all day. Hence the movie.
I went to Ian's and we watched movies and TV and drank vodka and the Legendairy movie was created. First I banged on the guitar, then I banged vodka bottles on the ground, then I whistled, then we did the jokes. He mashed all those recordings together and we put it to the video. There was zero editing, which is why we are laughing and talking at the same time. Sunday morning, I checked my messages and we thought we were in the clear. Ian and I were watching soccer when I got a call from Sophia. Jason stayed in Canada. He made the flight from Texas to Canada and couldn't talk himself back on the plane. She was crying. To be fair, Jason and I decided not to tell her about his debates because she was already dealing with some boyfriend drama, so she was totally sneak attacked.
I came back home and Sophia and I cleaned out Jason's apartment and called our boss. This week at work was terrible. Our friend, Elise, works in Suji (the town I used to live in) and she works at her school from 2-8, so she is able to fill in for the morning classes. This has been a god send. Sophia and I are working a lot more and it has been very hectic.
On top of the work stress, I am very confused about how to feel about one of my best friends bailing on me like this. I'm hurt and mad and sad and frustrated and exhausted.
I canceled the Thailand trip. Ian looked into going with me, but his plane ticket would have been too expensive.
We got a new teacher signed up and he should be here in a month or so. He actually worked in Suji and has been home for a few months looking for a new job.
I have been promoted to head teacher, which essentially means that I am really good at charades. I am the go between for the Korean teachers and foreign teachers. It's really just cool because now I can put something sweet on my resume.
This weekend I met a Chinese-Korean man who went to Purdue. Small world.
Because of the stress and the weather, Sophia and I are both fighting some fairly annoying colds. Lots of snot.
I may be moving into Jason's apartment. It's bigger. But I'm fairly lazy, so I'm not sure.
Rex had his fingernails painted gold all week. That's why that's the title of this post. It's also going to be the title of my life in Korea, Volume II. Volume I being "Knitting with Chopsticks".
Sophia and I found a gym in our apartment complex. It has like 6 treadmills, 3 bikes, and some weight machines. We signed up for 3 months. It was about 60 dollars. I have only been once so far because I was so tired all week. But it felt good to lift and use some muscles. I'm going to try to add it to my daily routine at least 3 days a week. We shall see.
Just to be clear, I do not think a war will happen. I have registered with the embassy and have asked my co-teachers to promise to tell me when it is time to leave. Noone here is worried and Marco, my Wooster track friend who has been here for 3 years and speaks Korean has promised that there is nothing to worry about. He also promised that if something does happen, we will be able to get out and he will get me before he leaves. So, I'm not worried. You shouldn't be worried. Things are fine.
Line 1- KAtie Dale
Line 2- Green Tower Building 495-3
Line 3- Jukjeon - 1 Dong
Line 4- Yongin-Si
Line 5- Gyeonggi-Do
Line 6- South Korea
Line 7/Zip Code line- 448-803
I hope you're all doing well. I love you. I miss you. It doesn't feel like Christmas at all. It's strange being away from family and friends. I love my friends here, but I have known them for 11 months at most. It's all weird. Kisses!
2010년 12월 5일 일요일
Happy December!
Happy birthday GrandpaBob!! I miss you and hope you're doing well!
On another note, Ian and I made a movie. I played the guitar, banged bottles on the ground, did the whistling, and told the jokes. The process was a combined effort and I would like you to watch it. My stomach hurts from laughing at it so much.
I can't figure out what to do to make it an active link. Copy and paste please. Totally worth it.
Next week I'll have some more news to share with you. Be prepared!
Happy birthday GrandpaBob!! I miss you and hope you're doing well!
On another note, Ian and I made a movie. I played the guitar, banged bottles on the ground, did the whistling, and told the jokes. The process was a combined effort and I would like you to watch it. My stomach hurts from laughing at it so much.
I can't figure out what to do to make it an active link. Copy and paste please. Totally worth it.
Next week I'll have some more news to share with you. Be prepared!
2010년 11월 28일 일요일
World View
I have more classes to introduce to you, but this post will be to assure you that I'm not dead. It will also be my last post in November because Wednesday is DECEMBER. This blows my mind. I swear it was yesterday that I was in shock that is was the end of October. Time is flying by. It's cool.
So if you pay attention to the news, you probably know that things are getting a little tense over here. As of right this second I only know as much as you know. I have not seen anything that makes me nervous. I have opted out of registering with the Embassy because I don't want to receive a lot of emails that will make me nervous. But Jason and Sophia are both registered and have promised to not leave the country without me. So for right now, I'm not worried. You shouldn't be worried. Things are fine.
Last Sunday we had a Thanksgiving Dinner. There were 8 of us. Jason, Sophia and I gave the army base 100 bucks and got a turkey dinner for 12 people. Delicious. We ate some American food, threw a football around, and had a great time with good friends.
Tuesday we had movie day at school. We watched two 3-D movies. One about bugs and one about dinosaurs. They both caused some minor freak outs and tears. Then there was a movie bus that showed a 4-D movie about monsters. I opted out of that due to the fact that it was a small space with a lot of crying kids. The kids all said they loved it though.
Thursday we had birthday party day. Those are always fun days.
This weekend I just hung out with Ian. We watched movies and did some damage to some vodka. Pretty unproductive and lazy, but very much fun.

This week Jason is home for his best friend's wedding and for some family time so a girl who finished her contract at another school is covering for him for the week. I feel like Sophia and I are about to have a fairly hectic week. Should be fun.
I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! Here comes December! Enjoy the season and let me know if you learn something about Korean Politics that I should be aware of. I kid. A little.
So if you pay attention to the news, you probably know that things are getting a little tense over here. As of right this second I only know as much as you know. I have not seen anything that makes me nervous. I have opted out of registering with the Embassy because I don't want to receive a lot of emails that will make me nervous. But Jason and Sophia are both registered and have promised to not leave the country without me. So for right now, I'm not worried. You shouldn't be worried. Things are fine.
Last Sunday we had a Thanksgiving Dinner. There were 8 of us. Jason, Sophia and I gave the army base 100 bucks and got a turkey dinner for 12 people. Delicious. We ate some American food, threw a football around, and had a great time with good friends.
Tuesday we had movie day at school. We watched two 3-D movies. One about bugs and one about dinosaurs. They both caused some minor freak outs and tears. Then there was a movie bus that showed a 4-D movie about monsters. I opted out of that due to the fact that it was a small space with a lot of crying kids. The kids all said they loved it though.
Thursday we had birthday party day. Those are always fun days.
This weekend I just hung out with Ian. We watched movies and did some damage to some vodka. Pretty unproductive and lazy, but very much fun.
This week Jason is home for his best friend's wedding and for some family time so a girl who finished her contract at another school is covering for him for the week. I feel like Sophia and I are about to have a fairly hectic week. Should be fun.
I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! Here comes December! Enjoy the season and let me know if you learn something about Korean Politics that I should be aware of. I kid. A little.
2010년 11월 20일 토요일
Zebra Class
And now you will learn about Zebra Class! Yay! Like Elephant, Zebra is 6 years old, Korean style of course, and theoretically, they are the more advanced class. Although on the third floor, they are pretty much the same. There are 7 kids in Zebra Class and all of their mothers are best friends and the kids are best friends and some days they just don't need to hear what teacher is saying because they are buys fighting over who gets the scrap of paper. But they are a fun class and very smart as a bunch. Jason is the son of our boss. Every morning I say " how are you today Jason?" and he looks at me with a huge smile and says "Me angry". I then call him Mr. Grumpy Pants and he ends up laughing. He reminds me of a little old man. Jun is a space cadet of sorts. He loves to kiss his friends and massage teacher's shoulders instead of listening to the story. I hate massages though so we fight about it a lot. Jun is very good at speaking English but completes his work at a frustratingly slow pace. Melody is an excellent English speaker, complete with an attitude. She is very bright but has a bit of an attitude issue as far as following instruction goes. She is always the first to pick up on a new idea though. Wonseo is adorable. Thursday I ask him how he is and he always says "Teacher, I am sad." "Why are you sad Wonseo?" "Because tomorrow tomorrow is Saturday. No school on Saturday." He's a cutie with a great smile. His English is also good enough that you can get a piece of his sense of humor. It's always fun when that happens with any of the kids. Rachel has giant chipmunk cheeks and loves to have one-on-one conversations. She gets sad if other people talk when she thinks it should be her turn. She is another student that is a perfectionist with her work and I find that since I am in no way a perfectionist, I get frustrated with how slowwwwww she is. Emily is a pistol. She is usually pretty happy in Emily world and gets rather angry if you call her out of it. She does enjoy singing and coloring. And last, but certainly not least is Joseph. This kid has some of the biggest cheeks known to man, his mother has declared that if he's not in the mood to learn we should let him do whatever he wants, and when he wants a hug he clamps on to your neck for days. When he is in a good mood he is very fun and speaks very well. A majority of the time he wants nothing to do with school and draws hearts on everything. When asked what he wants to be when he grows up, he proudly states "a mommy".
This was a good week. Nothing too special. Pretty exciting week coming up. Tomorrow Jason, Sophia, Ian, Nate, Carly and I are having our Thanksgiving dinner. Complete with football. We're pretty pumped about that. Tuesday we have a field trip. I believe we are going to the movie theater. Thursday we have a birthday party. Friday kinder report cards are due. Saturday we have a workshop. Yay!
Ethan got his first deer last weekend. I'm pretty proud of him. I think that the mosquitoes are finally dead and I have been needing to turn my heat on for about two hours each day.
Things are good. Happy. Fun. Fairly productive.
This was a good week. Nothing too special. Pretty exciting week coming up. Tomorrow Jason, Sophia, Ian, Nate, Carly and I are having our Thanksgiving dinner. Complete with football. We're pretty pumped about that. Tuesday we have a field trip. I believe we are going to the movie theater. Thursday we have a birthday party. Friday kinder report cards are due. Saturday we have a workshop. Yay!
Ethan got his first deer last weekend. I'm pretty proud of him. I think that the mosquitoes are finally dead and I have been needing to turn my heat on for about two hours each day.
Things are good. Happy. Fun. Fairly productive.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! I feel very lucky to have made some great friends here in Korea. However, I do find myself getting a little sad that I am spending the holidays only with people I have known less than a year. They're great, but I do miss you. Family. Friends. English. Cows. Mowgli. Woods. You.
2010년 11월 14일 일요일
Elephant Class
Today I have decided to explain Elephant Class. Elephant Class is on the third floor, and they are 6 years old. Technically, they are the lower level 6 year olds, but we have found that Elephant and Zebra are pretty much the same as far as English goes. Jeff is the kid in class who is either very happy or coming down from a hyper episode and is crying. He loves games, but hates losing. He also loves to work ahead in his workbook and "hide" pencils from me. Sarah doesn't speak so much as whimper? I guess that's how to explain it. Maybe grunt? She rarely uses words without being asked to use them. She loves to be touching teacher and she too loves to try to hide pencils. Julie is a sweetheart. She speaks English very well and last week, she started wearing hot pink glasses. The kicker? There are no lenses. Just bright pink frames. She does not like to share those. Jinny speaks the best English when she is in a good mood. Often times she is angry at someone and refuses to speak at all. She has great handwriting and is able to complete worksheets on her own, which is a big deal across the board. Kevin is my favorite boy at school. Shhh. He's very smart, he's very funny, and he's adorable. He has a weird southern accent going when he says words like pen, ten, and hen. It's strange. Finally, there is Dora. Dora is a nut. She speaks English very well but is very slow and easily distracted. I'll say "Dora, write your name please" and she says "look teacher, I'm a frog" then proceeds to bounce around the room making frog sounds. She also gets bloody noses a lot and falls over a lot, due to the hopping probably.
This was a pretty good week at school. The kids have all been speaking much more English, and thing are going well. I have been working on getting all the paper work together to extend my Visa. It's a pain in the ass, but it's going. I hope. Friday night I went to dinner at a Chinese place. That was delicious. Then did Underground and once again ended up closing the bar. Came home at 6 am Saturday. Woke up, ate a little and played movie drinking games with Ian all day. Went to bed pretty early but was awake from 3-5 and 6-9 hunting for two mosquitoes that were destroying my life. I have never seen mosquitoes outside, only in my house waiting for me to go to sleep. It's terrible. And, it's been below freezing a lot, so I don't know why they are not dead yet. But I'm really over waking up with an eye swollen shut and really itchy feet. Real over it.
Thusday, November 11th is Veterans Day in America, yes? Well, in Korea it is Pepero Day. What is Pepero? I'll tell you. It is a graham-cracker/pretzel like cookie stick that is coated in chocolate and sometimes nuts. You can usually buy packs of them for like 40 cents. Each one is about the size of a number 2 pencil. But for Pepero Day, you can buy giant ones, that are the size of those old crayola piggy banks, you can buy huge gift baskets of them, and you can buy teddy bears holding a bouquet of them. Sadly, it is not a school vacation day. I'm thinking that oreo is really missing out on something great here. The kids talked about Pepero Day for weeks and we got a lot of boxes of cookies. Pretty neat, I think.
Nothing big planned for the next while. I think we finally got a room for the Thailand trip, so that's exciting. Obviously we have to work on Thanksgiving, and luckily we have a workshop to go to that Saturday. So I think that next weekend, Jason, Sophia, and I are going to host some sort of Thanksgiving/Football party. However when we were trying to decide who to invite, we realized that we are really the only Americans we hang out with. A majority of our friends (who aren't Korean) are Canadian, South African, British, Irish, Scottish, or Australian. I guess it's a good thing, but it makes Thanksgiving less cool.
Hope everything is going well at home. I miss you a lot. I miss home. Someday I'll do a post about things I miss and things I do not miss. Not right now. Let me know if anything exciting is happening!! KISSES!
This was a pretty good week at school. The kids have all been speaking much more English, and thing are going well. I have been working on getting all the paper work together to extend my Visa. It's a pain in the ass, but it's going. I hope. Friday night I went to dinner at a Chinese place. That was delicious. Then did Underground and once again ended up closing the bar. Came home at 6 am Saturday. Woke up, ate a little and played movie drinking games with Ian all day. Went to bed pretty early but was awake from 3-5 and 6-9 hunting for two mosquitoes that were destroying my life. I have never seen mosquitoes outside, only in my house waiting for me to go to sleep. It's terrible. And, it's been below freezing a lot, so I don't know why they are not dead yet. But I'm really over waking up with an eye swollen shut and really itchy feet. Real over it.
Thusday, November 11th is Veterans Day in America, yes? Well, in Korea it is Pepero Day. What is Pepero? I'll tell you. It is a graham-cracker/pretzel like cookie stick that is coated in chocolate and sometimes nuts. You can usually buy packs of them for like 40 cents. Each one is about the size of a number 2 pencil. But for Pepero Day, you can buy giant ones, that are the size of those old crayola piggy banks, you can buy huge gift baskets of them, and you can buy teddy bears holding a bouquet of them. Sadly, it is not a school vacation day. I'm thinking that oreo is really missing out on something great here. The kids talked about Pepero Day for weeks and we got a lot of boxes of cookies. Pretty neat, I think.
Nothing big planned for the next while. I think we finally got a room for the Thailand trip, so that's exciting. Obviously we have to work on Thanksgiving, and luckily we have a workshop to go to that Saturday. So I think that next weekend, Jason, Sophia, and I are going to host some sort of Thanksgiving/Football party. However when we were trying to decide who to invite, we realized that we are really the only Americans we hang out with. A majority of our friends (who aren't Korean) are Canadian, South African, British, Irish, Scottish, or Australian. I guess it's a good thing, but it makes Thanksgiving less cool.
Hope everything is going well at home. I miss you a lot. I miss home. Someday I'll do a post about things I miss and things I do not miss. Not right now. Let me know if anything exciting is happening!! KISSES!
2010년 11월 5일 금요일
Puppy Class

Puppy Class is on the second floor, or 2 floor if you're Korean. They are Korean age 5, which means they are really between 3 and a half and 5. Babies. There are 10 of said babies in the class. These kids can barely speak/write understandable Korean, let alone English. This class is loud and chaotic. I have no idea what these babies have to talk about all day, but it is rarely silent when I'm "teaching". First we have Amy. She's smart and she's a pistol. I used to control her by saying "Amy Teacher, can you help me please?" and she would say YES! and pass out pencils or do her friend's worksheets. Now she says NO! and laughs at me. Juli is also very smart and very quiet. Her favorite thing to do is flip her worksheets over and draw princesses. Juli get stressed out by the crowdedness of the room and the noise and cries about it frequently. Kate sits there and draws with the side of her pencil on EVERYTHING. She laughs a lot and bounces a lot. Sally thinks that her name is spelled Salley. It's not. I asked. She loves hugs and calls me Kelly Teacher. She has really good vocab recall but does not like writing. Jessica sits with her pencil in her mouth. She has been at our school since the end of June and can finally write her whole name on her papers. If I beg. She's usually in Jessica world. She wears dresses or skirts everyday and the first thing she does each class is run up to me, yell TEACHER and spins around for me to see her cute dress. Daniel is obsessed with Power Rangers. His favorite activity is to "powerranger" teacher, which usually means kicking me or karate chopping me. He's very good at English though. Tom is very good at speaking English. He spends a majority of class on the floor wrestling with Daniel or Amy. He is one of the only Puppies that talks to me about his life, and tries to do so in English. Mark. I don't know how to explain Mark. I'm convinced that he's at least a little Autistic. He loves to shake his butt and windmill his arms. He never sits in his chair and I compromise by letting him do his work on the floor. He rarely does his actual work, but instead writes letters on everything. Then saying "teacher, what is this?" and I say "ummmm orange?" and he says "no". Eric is a sweet heart who loves to get ahold of scissors and cut his papers up to confetti. He also freaks out about the loudness of the room. Finally, there is Ryan. He is by far the most advanced of the puppies. His thing this week was "Teacher, I am a mouse" "Ohh! You're such a cute mouse!" "No Teacher, I am a BABY mouse" then there is some biting and laughing.
So that is a brief bio of Puppy Class. I usually leave it looking shell shocked and feeling exhausted. They're so cute and happy and full of energy. Sometimes I feel like they are losing their speaking and writing abilities and I think it's because there are entirely too many of them in one class so one-on-one attention is really hard to accomplish. Real hard.
2010년 10월 30일 토요일
10 months and counting.

Well, tomorrow is November. That's 10 months down. If all was going according to plan, I would be preparing for my last two months in the ROK. PSYCH! I have 16 months to go. Heyoo. I feel good about that decision. Which is pretty lucky. Things are going well. Nothing real awesome lately to talk about. We had a Halloween party with the kinders. We went to this school called "American Village" and they had activities and a haunted house set up. Scared my babies out of their minds. I had about 6 death grips on me and lots of tears. But the next day, they all said it was fun. I didn't really dress up for the grown up activities. Friday night, I met Ian for dinner. I was wearing camo, so when we ended up a the Underground Halloween party, I was able to announce that I was in fact invisible. Yes, weirdly enough meeting Ian for dinner ended with me getting home at 6:30 Saturday morning. Sneak Attack. Very fun though. Thursday night I made dinner for Jason and Ian. It was the first time I had people over to my box for the sake of entertaining them. We played Scrabble and Chess and ate spaghetti. It was a fun evening. Saturday night, there were a lot of Halloween parties up in Seoul. I didn't go, so I basically skipped Halloween. I'm ok with it. Especially since there are no Reese's Cups. Lame.
Pictures of the babies in costumes. No cute quote this time. Just cute princesses, vampires, and power rangers.
2010년 10월 24일 일요일
Orange pumpkins growing on the vine. Orange pumpkins oh so fine.

Me. Rex. Alex 1. Circle time. Loving Rexy's outfit.
One week left of October.
Sophia's birthday weekend was fun.
There was a huge party at Underground to celebrate their one year anniversary.
I constantly have wee-sing kindergarten Halloween songs stuck in my head.
Sophia and I picked up a new class of 7 year old girls on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. There are three of them. They are very good at English and are capable of critical thinking and holding real conversations, so it makes class fly by.
Jason, Carly, and I are going to Thailand for winter break! We found cheap tickets and leave on Christmas day. Before we could make travel arrangements, we had to double check our vacation dates. Jason talked our boss into an entire week! Originally break was December 28th-January 4th, which would have been Wednesday-Tuesday again. But now we have a full week! With two weekends! Very exciting. Thailand!
2010년 10월 16일 토요일
2010년 10월 11일 월요일
Farms, Palaces, Decisions
WARNING: This will be a long one.
On Thursday October 7th, we had a field trip to a farm. The kids dug up sweet potatoes, thrashed rice, and chased rabbits and chickens around. It was pretty fun. They enjoyed themselves.
On Friday October 8th, I hung out in Suji and went to a goodbye party for some token Suji folk. I'm sad they're gone, but I did inherit a badminton set.
On Saturday October 9th, Sophia, Nate, and I went up to Seoul and saw a huge palace. This is what the back of my ticket says. "HISTORY OF GYEONGBOKGUNG PALACE: In 1395, three years after the founding of the Joseon Dynasty, the new main palace, Gyeongbokgung, was completed and the capital of the new dynasty was moved from Gaegyeong to Seoul. The palace was destroyed by fire during the Japanese invasions of 1592 and was not reconstructed until 1896. A effort to fully restore the palace has been ongoing since 1990 and in 2010 is 40% restored." Ok, so I paraphrased a little. Anyway, it was a beautiful fall day! The palace was huge. We got a free English tour, so we learned what some things were and the significance of some stuff. For example, the ground is covered in ~2x2 ft blocks of fairly uneven stones. There are two reasons for this. One is that so the glare wouldn't blind the king. And the second had something to do with them wearing leather shoes. But I didn't really understand what she was talking about at that point. After the palace, we got some Indian food for dinner. It's the first time I can remember going to an Indian restaurant. It was good. After dinner, we decided to head up the Han River to see some fireworks. Big mistake. It was the most crowded even I have ever been part of. I almost died on the subway. It was terrible. It made me very grumpy and ruined the rest of my night. We couldn't even see the fireworks and I was done with the whole thing. So we came home and went to bed. We played badminton on Sunday. That was fun.
The ceilings of the King's main hang out. Vibrant colors and gold guard dragons.
I just couldn't get over how beautiful it was. Some sort of pagoda on the water.
Just a beautiful day and a history lesson. Love it.
This is us playing with my camera. I think this would look so neat on some fabric as a pillow. So neat.
Today. Monday, October 11th, 2010. I was in the office making copies for puppy class tomorrow. My boss came in and said "Katie, next year, you stay?" I said " I think I would like that." She said "six months? one year?" I said "Ummmm one year?" She got a huge smile on her face, gave me a high five and walked out the room. At this point, I came out of my black out and had to sit down. But it's done. As of today, assuming we get all the paper work figured out and I don't get fired for something, I will be in South Korea until March 2012. Start making travel arrangements now.
I want to thank everyone who helped me work through this decision. It was a biggie and stressed me out a lot. Thanks for listening and trying to put up with me. I appreciate it a lot.
Kid Quote:
Me: What?
S: Give me your green eyeball please.
M: But then I won't be able to see...
S: It's ok.
M: It'll hurt!
S: It's ok.
M: What are you talking about? Why do you want my eyeball?
S: Plant eye in dirt. It grow. Eyeball tree!
M: You're crazy. What are you talking about?
S: TEACHER! Green eyeball tree!
S: Hahaha TEACHER!
S: Give me your green eyeball please.
M: But then I won't be able to see...
S: It's ok.
M: It'll hurt!
S: It's ok.
M: What are you talking about? Why do you want my eyeball?
S: Plant eye in dirt. It grow. Eyeball tree!
M: You're crazy. What are you talking about?
S: TEACHER! Green eyeball tree!
S: Hahaha TEACHER!
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