First, happy birthday month to Sophia! Kisses and pebbles to you, my dear.

Second, happy October to the rest of you! It's been busy so far and I'm exhausted after 10 days! We had the 1st-7th off for National Day. It was China's 65th birthday. I haven't researched what that actually means yet, so don't ask. Luckily Karen planned on getting married on the 4th, so I was able to be there. I left here on Wednesday morning and got to Cheney on Wednesday night. I did some shopping and general screwing around in an English speaking country on Thursday, then on Friday we drove up to Syracuse, getting there just in time for the Rehearsal. We did that and the dinner and then I had to go to sleep. Woke up real early Saturday for make up and hair, then had the wedding, pictures, and the reception. We did a winery tour on Sunday, and I left at 6:30am Monday. Got back to Ningbo at 11:30 Tuesday night, and had work at Wednesday. Work Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and tomorrow (Saturday), and then there is a 5k on Sunday that I'm considering.
That same weekend/day, Robin and Elise got married. I hated missing a family wedding. It was a really hard choice, and it still makes me sad. But you gotta do what you gotta do.
Things at work are good. I still like it a lot. It's real hard, but its good for me I think. Although some days I have this feeling of "what the hell am I doing trying to be a teacher?!" I've been thinking about trying to be a tour guide or a park ranger or something. But the thought of working for tips terrifies me.
Umm, that's really all my news. Dad's election is coming up. GO DAD! Mom hasn't killed him yet. GO MOM!
Here are a few pictures from the wedding. I wore heels.
Heels. Ouch. |
Karen did a big deal with a dress reveal. This is just her bathrobe. |
This is us on Sunday morning, after we had drank all the alcohol in Syracuse. |
That's me. Ready to go. |
Make up and hair. |
Hair. There were 87 bobby pins. |
My awesome date who spent the night chest bumping IU alumni. |