The end of the Age of KatieDale and Sophia. (for now)
It is currently Thursday night. In order to explain my feeling of total exhaustion, I need to go back two Fridays. Hold tight please.
Friday. We had a field trip to a role playing facility. The kids went to stations practicing various dialogues (market, hospital, bakery, etc.). We went out for staff dinner. We had traditional Korean food. It was delicious. After that we went to a chicken and beer joint. Followed by a norebang (Korean singing room).
Saturday. We went to BigguyBill's roof for a cook out. Typical Suji night followed.
Sunday. I went to Ians. Typical Sunday followed.
Tuesday. The new girl (Beth from Hawaii) arrived at 7. It was also James' birthday. Sophia, Peter, Beth, Ian, and James did dinner in Suji. Beth experienced galbi and her and Sophia went to bed. The boys and myself stayed up entirely too late for a school night (3am) celebrating the birthday.
Thursday. We all ventured to Traveler's for Sophia's final cheeseburger and rum-and-coke night. We dressed as pirates. It was a fun night, tears and all.
Friday. Sophia cried all day saying goodbye to her kids and our amazing coworkers. Sophia, SaraBrown (it was also SB's birthday), Ian, Peter, and BigGuyBill went out to dukgalbi (chicken) and makgeli (rice wine). We had some great laughs and cried a lot. Final goodbyes were said. Sophia and I returned to my house at 3. Sophia needed to get the 4:30 airport shuttle, so we stayed awake. We talked, repacked her bags, did some bank nonsense, and at 4 am we started the walk. It was a horrible morning. Said good bye. Cried. A lot. Got her on her way and I came home and showered. At this point it was 5:15 am Saturday morning.
Saturday: I woke up at 8:28. Peter, Beth, James, Ian and I caught a bus to the beach. It was a 4 hour trip. We got there, set up tents, played a little, met some friends there for dinner and drinks. We came back to our tents, put Beth to bed, and Peter and Ian and I played frisbee and drank some soju until 4.
Sunday. We woke up around 8 due to a sweltering hot tent. I dug some holes, buried people, read a weird book, played football, walked a lot, ate some galbi, general dicking around on the beach. Dinner and drinks again. Again, Ian, Peter, and I stayed up with soju, although this time with some random Koreans, until 4.
Monday. Woke up at 8. Played some football, layed around. Caught the 2:30 bus home. I could not keep my eyes open. Got home at 8. Showered. Passed out.
Tuesday-today: work as usual.
Let me clear some things up. First, this past Monday was a national holiday. Memorial Day I believe. Second, I have been totally exhausted at work the past two weeks. I think that sleeping only 8 hours this past weekend did not help, but I also think that I am not used to dealing with so many emotions and it just wore me out. Third, Sophia is safely in Vietnam and having a great time. I miss her a lot and it's been a slap in the face-how much I counted on her and enjoyed our conversations and routines. Fourth, Beth is great. I think when I'm more used to the idea that she's not Sophia, it's going to be great. I'm just not there yet. Fifth, I cried randomly all night Saturday-which I was super embarrassed about, cause I don't like crying that much-and Peter and Ian were super nice to me.
Things are good here. I'm going to be 24 next weekend. That's weird.
Here are some pictures.
Thanks for reading. I hope it wasn't too confusing. Kisses!

Traditional Korean Dinner. And awesome hoodies.

Our great boss and the white people.

Friends on the roof. Sophia. Peter. Bill. James. Ian. Me.

Last time at Traveler's. Pirates. Duh.

Beth. Peter. Me. At the beach. Can you tell I've been crying?

James is buried.

Hawaiian in the sand. Don't worry guys. It was totally consensual.